7th International Symposium on Systems Biology of Microbial Infection
September 21 – 22, 2023
The systems biology of microbial infection aims to understand the interaction between hosts and pathogens by the integrative combination of experiment and theory. The focus of this symposium is on the interaction between the immune systems of humans or animals and bacterial or fungal pathogens. We welcome contributions that, for example, focus on
The International Symposium on Systems Biology of Microbial Infection is taking place biennially since the year 2011 at the HKI-Center for Systems Biology of Infection in Jena, Germany.
Invited speakers
This SBMI Symposium is sponsored by the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans-Knöll Institute (HKI); as well as the Cluster of Excellence Balance of the Microverse with the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) and the Collaborative Research Centers “FungiNet” and “PolyTarget” that are funded by the German Research Funding Organisation DFG.
Registration & Light Lunch
11:00-12:00 CEST
Opening of SBMI 2023
12:00-12:10 CEST
Session I: Antibiotic Resistance
12:10-13:50 CEST
Chair: Carl-Magnus Svensson
12:10-12:50 CEST
Systems biology of the response of mycobacteria to the antibiotic rifampicin
Rosalind Allen, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
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12:50-13:20 CEST
Nanoscale Architecture of Bacteria Peptidoglycan: A Synergy of High Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging and Theoretical Modelling
Abimbola Feyisara Olulana, Marco Mauri & Sheila Hoshyaripour; The University of Sheffield, UK & Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Olulana AF, Mauri M, Hoshyaripour S, Biboy J, Meacock O, Pasquina-Lemonche L, Durham WM, Owen D, Allen RJ, Foster SJ, Vollmer W, Hobbs JK
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13:20-13:50 CEST
Stochastic Bacterial Response to Antibiotics in Multiplexed Picolitre Droplets
Nia Verdon & Ashkan Samimi; Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany & Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Verdon N, Samimi A, Allen R, Rosenbaum MA
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Coffee break
13:50-14:10 CEST
Session II: Lung infection
14:10-16:10 CEST
Chair: Sandra Timme
14:10-14:50 CEST
Mechanistic basis of the antifungal potency of the airway epithelium in health and disease
Margherita Bertuzzi, University of Manchester, UK
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14:50-15:10 CEST
Computational agent-based modelling: Dynamics of early immune response against Aspergillus fumigatus lung infections
Christoph Saffer, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Saffer C
[1] Saffer et al. (2023) NPJ Syst. Biol. Appl.
[2] Bertuzzi et al. (2022) bioRxiv
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15:10-15:30 CEST
Ex vivo lung model for studying virus-induced premature cellular senescence
Stefanie Deinhardt-Emmer, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany
Deinhardt-Emmer S
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15:30-15:50 CEST
Individual-based modelling of day care centers can predict optimal surveillance strategies against SARS-CoV-2
Philipp Städter, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Städter P
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15:50-16:10 CEST
DNA damage induces a small RNA interfering with cell division in Klebsiella pneumoniae
Eric Ruhland; Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Ruhland E, Fröhlich K, Gerst R, Figge MT
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Coffee break
16:10-16:30 CEST
Session III: Inflammation and immune response
16:30-18:40 CEST
Chair: Yann Bachelot
16:30-17:10 CEST
Modeling the Role of Innate Immune Cells in Infections, Diseases and Injury
Angela Reynolds, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
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17:10-17:30 CEST
Investigation of the prognostic value for metabolic and Raman spectroscopic erythrocyte profiling in sepsis
Dustin Beyer, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany & Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Beyer D*, Svensson CM*, Gräler MH, Ramoji A, Figge MT, Press AT
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17:30-17:50 CEST
How to survive in a sepsis patient: Survival strategies of gut bacteria after antibiotic treatment
Anne Busch, University Hospital Jena, Germany & Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Busch A
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17:50-18:10 CEST
Human p11-mediated re-direction of phagosomes to the recycling endosome-expulsion pathway by a fungal pathogen
Lei-Jie Jia, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Jia LJ, Rafiq M, Radosa L, Hortschansky P, Cseresnyés Z, Krüger T, Schmidt F, Heinekamp T, Straßburger M, Figge MT, Carvalho A. Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA
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18:10-18:40 CEST
Neutralization of the Candida albicans toxin, candidalysin, blocks epithelial damage and dampens inflammatory responses associated with vulvovaginal candidiasis immunopathogenesis
Paul Rudolph & Marisa Valentine; Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Valentine M, Rudolph P, Dietschmann A, Mogavero S, Tsavou A, Lee S, Priest EL, Zhurgenbayeva G, Timme S, Eggeling C, Allert S, Dolk E, Naglik JR, Figge MT, Gresnigt MS, Hube B
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18:40-19:30 CEST
Poster Session
19:30-21:00 CEST
Most (tandem) talks will also be presented as posters.
Image-based analysis of Candida albicans infection in a gut-on-chip model
Parastoo Akbarimoghaddam, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Akbarimoghaddam P, Alonso-Roman R, Allwang M, Hoffmann B, Cseresnyés Z, Hube B, Mosig AS, Gresnigt MS, Figge MT
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Spatial distancing: Investigation of a defense mechanism for pathogen immune evasion
Yann Bachelot, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Bachelot Y
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Gut Microbiome Under pH Stress
Nick Cogan, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
Cogan N, Obaidullah S
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How hosts and pathogens choose the strengths of defence and counter-defence. A game-theoretical view
Shalu Dwivedi, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Dwivedi S, Garde R, Schuster S
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Towards automated quantification of viral and bacterial co-infections in an alveolus-on-chip model
Bianca Hoffmann, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Hoffmann B, Gauthier L, Koceva H, Mosig A, Ehrhardt C, Eggeling C, Figge MT
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Microfluidic mother-machine device for bacterial cultivations under changing environmental conditions
Eugen Kaganovitch, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Kaganovitch E
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A Deep Learning approach for detecting single division events of bacteria in microfluidic droplets imaged by angle-resolved scattered light imaging
Arjun Sarkar, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Sarkar A, Graf M, Svensson CM, Munser AS, Figge MT
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Deep learning-based characterization of neutrophil activation phenotypes in ex vivo human Candida blood infections
Arjun Sarkar & Jan-Philipp Praetorius, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Sarkar A, Praetorius JP, Figge MT
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The Microverse of the Plastisphere
Kerstin Thriene, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Huang Y, Sathe RRM, Thriene K, Hellmich UA, Papenfort K, Stallforth P
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Rifampicin tolerance and growth fitness among isoniazid-resistant clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates: an in-vitro longitudinal study
Srinivasan Vijay, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Vijay S, Bao NLH, Vinh DN, Nhat LTH, Thu DDA, Quang NL, Trieu LPT, Nhung HN, Ha VTN, Thai PVK, Ha DTM, Lan NH, Caws M, Thwaites GE, Javid B, Thuong NTT
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Bacterial aggregation in a disbalanced human gut induced by antibiotics
Stefanie Wagner, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Wagner S, Busch A, Allen R, Bauer M
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Quantification of fungal growth patterns by tracking of hyphal structures in JIPipe
Mounir Zerdani, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Zerdani M
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Session IV: Microbial interactions I
09:00-10:50 CEST
Chair: Christoph Saffer
09:00-09:40 CEST
Mechanisms of biofilm community assembly and functions
Knut Drescher, University of Basel, Switzerland
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09:40-10:10 CEST
Modelling the dynamics of Salmonella infection in the gut at the bacterial and host levels
Coralie Muller, Pablo Ugalde-Salas; Inria Centre at the University of Bordeaux, France
Muller C, Ugalde-Salas P, Wortsman A, Kaempfer R, Frioux C, Labarthe S
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10:10-10:30 CEST
Tracking the Dynamics of Interacting Microbial Populations
Joel Ching Kuma Mbanghanih, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Ching Kuma Mbanghanih J, Verdon N, Zander A, Malycheva T, Herbst R, Schuster S, Stallforth P, Allen RJ
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10:30-10:50 CEST
Understanding polymicrobial urinary tract infections: from retrospective data analysis, through catheter biofilms, to bladder microtissue models
Ashim Kumar Dubey, Global Health Institute, School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
Dubey AK, Tomasek K, Egli A, Drescher K, McKinney J
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Coffee break
10:50-11:10 CEST
Session V: Microbial interactions II
11:10-12:40 CEST
Chair: Paul Rudolph
11:10-11:50 CEST
Microbe-microbe interactions for vaccine decision making; examples from RSV and pneumococcal vaccination
Stefan Flasche, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
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11:50-12:10 CEST
Genetic and functional characterization of various Debaryomyces hansenii strains
Nadja Thielemann, Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany
Thielemann N, Schöninger A, Reus N, Behr IS, Aldejohann AM, Kurzai O, Martin R
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12:10-12:40 CEST
Unraveling the Complex Interplay between Acinetobacter baumannii and Staphylococcus aureus in Co-infections
Lorena Tuchscherr & Sandra Timme; University Hospital Jena, Germany & Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Timme S, Tuchscherr L, Wendler S, Figge MT
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Lunch break
12:40-13:20 CEST
Session VI: Model selection and parameter estimation
13:20-15:20 CEST
Chair: Philipp Städter
13:20-14:00 CEST
Model-based analysis of immunity across scales
Jan Hasenauer, University of Bonn, Germany
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14:00-14:20 CEST
Inferring fungal growth rates from optical density data
Tara Hameed, Imperial College London, London, UK
Hameed T, Motsi N, Bignell E, Tanaka RJ
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14:20-14:40 CEST
Using resource allocation minimal model to study Crabtree- and WarburQ-effects in fungi
Wassili Dimitriew, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Dimitriew W, Ewald J, He Z, Schuster S
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14:40-15:00 CEST
Intracellular “in silico microscopes” – fully 3D spatio-temporal virus replication model simulations
Markus M. Knodel, Simulation in Technology, TechSim, Germany
Knodel MM, Nägel A, Herrmann E, Wittum G
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15:00-15:20 CEST
Theory-informed experimental design for model identifiability: what needs to be measured?
Anastasia Solomatina, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
Solomatina A
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